The agency will ensure that all persons who have access to or control over confidential information are trained prior to starting work, and take affirmative measures to safeguard such information.
Only the Chief Compliance Officer (or designee) may release written confidential information. All requests for information shall be routed to this Coordinator/designee. The Coordinator has 5 working days to release the information. A disclosure log will be kept in service recipient's charts to record when, what and to whom information was released.
Confidential information means any personally identifiable health information, whether oral or recorded in any form or medium, that is created or received by the agency and relates to the past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition of an individual; the provision of care to an individual; or the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to a service recipient. This includes any data transmitted or maintained in any other form or medium by covered entities, including paper records, fax documents and all oral communications, or any other form, i.e. screen prints of eligibility information, printed e-mails that have identified individual's health information, claim or billing information, hard copy birth or death certificates.
Confidential information may be released under these conditions:
Original service recipient records may be removed from the agency premises only under the following conditions:I
A service recipient, or a service recipient's legally responsible person, may contest the accuracy, completeness or relevancy of information in the service recipient record and may request alteration of such information. Alterations shall be made as follows:
Access to records
The agency will conduct mandatory training on confidentiality policies for all personnel during agency orientation. At the conclusion of mandatory agency orientation, personnel trained will indicate an understanding of the requirements by signing a statement of understanding and compliance prior to starting work. This statement is signed again whenever revisions are made in requirements. The statement contains the following information:
Consent for Release
The following persons may sign a consent for release of confidential information: